So, food for thought: Damn, that shit is effective. Monday morning quarterbacking, seems like the only solution is black hat the trophies, then EMP him, but I know I don't have any classes with that combo. Alternately, floor/wallbang with an LMG? That seems a little more accessible. Anyway, looks like none of the losers he was playing against run black hat, but I know I would have trouble taking out that setup. You guys seen any other super vicious camping setups we should know about?
Hey guys, I've signed up for the Ponysquare/Bronysquare Music Contest and voting is going on right now. So if you have an account on either of these website vote for me. Click on the link below to start voting, I'm Entry 2.
Hey all and congrats on two more gold badges, pushing our humble clan up to level asparagus (level 19, in plain English)! Pics are below, and I'd like to thank everyone for coming out to play, especially for Sunday's op. We did great and had a ton of fun to boot; at one point we had 9 bronies in a lobby waging some serious pony-on-pony violence in the name of friendship, fun, and griefing your clan members with riot shields and RPG's. I'm lookin' at you, Disc0rd and Ridiculous.
Kill Confirmed: 52 of 25707 clans (top 0.2%) - Top collector - I NeoSpectre I - 483 Tags
Team Deathmatch: 362 of 27406 clans (top 1.3%) - Top MDK'er - Changeling King - 409 Kills
So, I've been drawing something. Somethings! And now I am going to post them to this blog. Anyone who wants to do the same, shoot me a message or e-mail.
Breaking news, everypony! The upcoming Revolution DLC is going to include a secret 8-bit mode as an easter egg. No word yet on how to activate it, but here's some leaked footage:
There's 4 new maps coming out soon yada yada, as per usual they all look fun but will probably be soul crushing when we get them. More importantly they're adding a new weapon, the Peacekeeper, it's like an SMG-Assault hybrid, that is to say there won't be a bad map for it ever. Prepare for shenanigans, video about the new junk goes here.
And because I am constantly amazed by John, Wharrr and others fascination with how I talk here is a bonus video of what you all sound like when you mock my regal roots. My fanny is chuffed to bits.
More people should attend Clan Ops. I'm bored of winning them all.