Friday, February 17, 2012

New Weekly Column

Howdy everypony!  Mars here to bring you our first in a recurring series from clan member The Wet Onion!
The first installment of The Wet Onion's Class of the Week follows after the jump.

The Wet Onion's Class of the Week
The Stealthy Sniper

This first class goes out to our clan marksmen. I salute you snipers who lie in the grass with
silenced rifles, so this class is for you.

My personal sniping favorite is the MSR for its high precision and damage, ensuring one-shot-
kills every time. Slap a silencer on there to become the master of stealth as you pick the enemy off one
by one. There is a downside to using it however, usually, only shots to the chest up will be effective, but
it’s excellent training for headshots. Using impact, you can compensate for the loss in penetration
power without having to sacrifice another proficiency.

The .44 Magnum is an excellent secondary for any class, but with the additional tactical knife, it
helps the marksman out in a tight situation, not to mention the high damage and accuracy make it
reliable even out of CQC.

This is the ultimate perk set-up for snipers, and I highly recommend it with any sniper rifle.

Blind Eye Pro – The ability to hide from air-support is vital for any stationary sniper. No master of
camoflauge should have to give up the perfect position to evade a helicopter, and that’s where this perk
comes into play. You might not notice the effects with the perk on, but you will when trying to snipe
without it.

Assassin Pro – Pesky UAV’s and heartbeat-sensors are rendered moot when you’re rolling with this
baby. You’ve become invisible to the radar now, and the only thing to tag you now is Recon Pro, a
seldom-used perk (which is also another one of my favorites). Not to mention, the EMP’s and Counter
UAV’s won’t deprive you of the enemy position as long as you’re packing the pro version.

Marksman Pro – The sniper’s best friend right here. This perk was made for you. All enemies (excluding
those with Assassin Pro, whom, unless they’re also well-trained snipers, will be easy to spot anyways)
will be labelled for you, so pick your shots, because they’re pretty much free. The pro version allows you
to hold your breath longer which is perfect for patient snipers.

The portable radar is amazing for keeping tabs on your surroundings. Highly recommended for
the sniper who tends to get snuck up on.

The claymore is also handy for keeping entrances to your nest secure. These two, when paired
together are the perfect match for the attentive, efficient sniper.

As a sniper, a good sniper that is, you’ll be suffering very few deaths, but with spaced-out kills.
This ratio is perfect for the assault package, as the support killstreaks are higher in point-amount, and
specialist is practically useless. I personally layer up my rewards as Sentry Gun, Attack Helicopter, and
Pave Low. You’ve got one to watch your surroundings, and another two to scan the rest of the map,
picking off enemies that aren’t between your crosshairs.

Deathstreaks aren’t much use to snipers, but I like to assign revenge for those cases where
you’re running into bad luck, but you want to know exactly where your nemesis is. As a sniper, a very
handy deathstreak indeed.

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