Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Immovable Force sign-ups

Hey all, it's your friendly neighborhood JiaJohn. This Friday at 6PM EST there's another clan operation - immovable force, which is hardcore team deathmatch. Now usually we'd be on top of this, but a good chunk of our group (Mars, Whaar, me, others) will not be around Friday night, so we just wanted to see who might be available. So far FlutterguyPwny and Awe Rapture are down, but we'd like to see at least four more folks tell us that they're down for the operation! Sign your name below if you're up for conquest in the name of MLP.


  1. I'll think I'll sit HC TDM out. You guys gonna be on for Saturday's dom or do you guys have finals coming up?

  2. I was going to be on for Saturday's Dom but it turns out I'm on call >_>. If I'm lucky I'll get out of the hospital in time for it, but if not, Mars and Wharrrrrrgarbl will be on for it. Anyhoo, we're signed up for the HC TDM clan op and so far we unofficially have four or five people who intend to play. I'll be on a bit for the beginning too.

  3. When is the Saturday Dom event? I can probably swing that as I'm not on this weekend
