Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Meet Your Clan Mate, GrottyNeckbeard

This week we have GrottyNeckbeard, formally know as I R A BRONY. He's a pretty cool dude. I wish I had more to say about him but he kept the interview so short. Check it out after the break.
GrottyNeckbeard's Xbox Live avatar
 Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name is Christopher and I was adopted from Russia at age 2. I ride a  unicycle and my favorite color is purple.

Who is your favorite pony?

 Twilight Sparkle is my favorite pony.

What are you looking forward to in season 3?

 More musicals.

What's the coolest thing you've seen from the community?

One cool thing is REALBAUS getting MOABs every other game but besides that I would say the amount of bronies.

What games are you looking forward to?

MLP games

What are your thoughts on Black Ops 2 so far?

Looks good, I rather have a unique idea than just a copy and pasted game style over and over.

What was your first Call of Duty title and which one did you enjoy the most?

 My first CoD was CoD 4 and is my favorite.

Anything else you want to add?

My favorite side pony is Flim or Flam because they have a mustache. I sleep nude and my favorite letter is the W.


  1. Aw come on man! What about all that sweet shit like how you're THE DIRECT DESCENDANT OF GENGHIS KHAN?!
