Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Guns That Make Carl Ragequit, Part 1: the Type 95

Okay, so I said this would be a continuing education blog, so why do I want to start with arguably the most broken gun in the game? Basically, I think it's pretty hard to get a handle on what is going on when you're dying constantly. So, without further ado, the Type 95:

Now, this video is not there to showcase my super pro gameplay - in fact, even in these clips of me killing a lot of dudes, there are a lot of bad decisions, and, frankly, a lot of bad aim. But, you can see how even without a lot of technical skill, that extreme killing power lets you know if your thinking is going in the right direction or not. Retreating at 0:44 was the right thing to do; calling in my UAV as soon as I got it at 1:00, when all these dudes knew exactly where I was, was stupid. Using the AUAV in the last clip, I predict where they're going, and get rewarded for that preparation. Now, the Type 95 won't cure all your bad habits - in fact, it can instill some new ones like how aggressive I got at 1:22, where I really should have died. But since it's a 3 round burst gun, using it will give you a lot of practice getting more precise with your aiming, and since it's so stupidly broken if you can aim, you'll get more of a chance to see if your technical skill or your yomi is the problem. Once you're more comfortable predicting opponents and aiming accurately and quickly, you can start working on other guns until you're MVPing lobbies with the KSG, Canterlot style.

Background information: when MW3 came out, the Type 95 was a two shot kill at close range, and a three shot kill at long range. It had very little recoil, pretty tight grouping, and even a pretty good hip fire. It got nerfed, so it's now a 4 shot kill at range, I think, but at short and mid ranges, one trigger pull is still all it takes if you can aim well.

Points for discussion:
1. Do you think there's a better gun for people to learn on? Do you think there are any features of the Type 95 which will make people worse players, rather than better?


  1. I would like to clarify that while Carl is a valued member of this clan, My Little Pony does not officially sanction ragequit as a legitimate game winning strategy. Our inquiries into the tactic suggest it may even be counterproductive in securing victories.

    Furthermore, Whaaaaargabl, I finally got my AC-130's :D

    1. I mainly ragequit at the first sign of a bad game, so while it may be a horrible game winning strategy, it is a good rage suppressor. What I mean by that is, most of the games I rage quit from are from people sitting in corners with overpowered guns. While it may seem like no big deal to just go over there and kill them, they will only find a new spot to sit at to anger you even more, and they will do it for the rest of the game. Instead of dealing with that, I leave. The thing is, I usually leave with members of the clan with me, so they uncontrollably gain a loss and lose whatever killstreak they are on, which is wrong of me to do, and I need to start doing less of.

      But thanks for making me feel welcome in the clan, everypony. You all make this game worth playing. I hope to see more of this "things that make me ragequit" series, maybe your next part of the series could be entitled "campers." ;)

      Also, to answer the questions at the end:

      Q. Do you think there's a better gun for people to learn on?
      A. There is a plethora of weapon arrangements in the game, some of which are better than others and are easier to use. 90% of people usually stick to a certain type of gun and rarely stray. I.E. some clan members are horrible with Sub Machine Guns like the P90, but are good with Light Machine Guns or Assault Rifles. I would just say stick to what you like, unless it's the Type 95, because let's be honest, it takes no skill to use, and anybody can use it. I'm sure if I used it I wouldn't lose a single game.

      Q. Do you think there are any features of the Type 95 which will make people worse players, rather than better?
      A. I can see if people are not used to three-round burst guns it could be a problem, but it doesn't matter, the gun very rarely takes more than one burst to kill. Even if they have horrible aim, if they pull the trigger before you, you're screwed.

  2. Raito, your first answer gives me another idea for a recurring series, maybe titled something like "Here's my loadout!". If everypony's willing to write up their favorite loadouts or winningest loadouts and why, we can probably learn a lot. Delicious collaboration.

    Also, we give you shit for raging, but don't sweat it. We play video games for fun, and if campers are driving you batty, you're not getting what you paid for.

  3. I take issue with the idea that aiming is not necessary with the type 95. It's groupings are very tight. If you are below average player like me the type 95 is not an advantage unless one is corner camping. It is not the striker where shooting in the vicinity is all that us necessary. One must be precise in aiming or miss entirely.

    One good learning tool for the beginner is that it is necessary to immediately reload after each encounter. The type 95 usually leaves bullets in the mag while full autos might empty the mag. However bursting may be a better teacher and can be used with other guns like the ACR.
