Fillies and Gentlecolts, the time has come to show everypony the magic of friendship.
We are enlisted in the upcoming event for most Domination point captures, which starts on Feb. 24 6:30pm EST. I have directed everypony here for a mission briefing.
First off, some facts about the operation.
1) How well we do in this competition affects our clan experience, and therefore our clan level, and therefore our sweet unlocks.
2) Time and date of the operation is Friday, February 24 6:30pm EST until 9:30pm EST. Tomorrow, it's three hours of pony madness!
3) The goal of this operation is Most Domination Points Captured.
4) The scoring is based on the clan's top 6 ponies' performances during the time frame of the operation.
I would like everypony who can to try and contribute to this. I've always envisioned clan ops as a great way to bring us together and to really have us work as a team and have a lot of fun, and now that it's happening, I couldn't be more excited. Not only are we competing with all the other clans, but we are competing internally, and it would make me really happy to see us aspiring to higher pony greatness because of friendly rivalries inside our own ranks. The variety of gametypes and goals make this an excellent way to showcase everypony's strengths, and I really dig that. I want to see a lot of people contributing to this, so we can have detailed discussions and debriefings over the next few days.
I will be coordinating the formation of several lobbies right before the operation begins (starting around 6:00), so you can message me (MarsBringer) and we can get you playing with your pony brethren.
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May her beautiful visage spur you to magnificent glory! |
Detailed operation strategy follows after the jump.
I have a strategy that I will be running with 5 trusted brony officers, but I think I would like to share this with everypony because I really want two groups of 6 to be pulling these shenanigans.
First off, because the operation is most domination points capped, and not held for any length of time, there should be no defending of points. At all. There always needs to be a point that we can cap. The more points the enemy has, the easier it us for us to take one. Secondly, everypony who helped cap get's cap points, so we should be getting as many of our dudes on that flag as possible. So the logical conclusion to all this is that everypony needs to be moving in one big group as much as possible. To that effect I have a recommended loadout setup for the group.
1) Everyone rocks Blast Shield, Sitrep or Steady Aim if helpful, and Betties or Claymores.
2) 3 people with riot shields (speed proficiency) rolling Extreme Conditioning with machine pistol and tac inserts secondaries.
3) Other 3 people rock their favorite OP gun, Type-95, ACR, Striker, whatever. Blind Eye with Stinger/Javelin and trophy systems secondaries.
With some good teamwork, this should form a devastating roving deathmachine stomping over every point it sees.
Lastly, I will also remind you that there is also going to be an operation on Saturday, February 25 from 2:00pm until 5:00pm EST, so try and make it to at least one of these.
Riot Shield bros should also rock Steady Aim Pro, since it will help them ready their shields faster after sprinting. Safety first!