Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why conduct matters

I sometimes worry that I'm annoying people by banging the 'PLEASE BEHAVE' drum so frequently, but if you want an idea of why I think this stuff is important, read this post and this comment. It's not enough to understand that most people are decent human beings who don't mean to unjustly slander groups of people; there are many, many horrible assholes who DO have odious beliefs and who take our silence, or our unthinking use of racist/sexist/whatever insults as validation of their beliefs and behavior. Nobody's perfect, and we live and game in a culture that constantly normalizes racist, sexist, etc. behavior, but this is why it's important to push back.


  1. Sooo . . . what'd I say this time?

  2. There is a difference between being annoying and setting down the rules. People need to be reminded that we are friendly here, and should consider everyone as an equal. If they get tired of being told to behave, then they should not even be given another chance if they won't listen after a first warning.
