Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Some semi-random BlOps II thoughts

1. I <3 emblems. Also, Rugged Savior has a thread going in the forums if you'd like to show off somewhere more public than the clan blog. Finally, I have a post in progress on making eyes, so hopefully that will be up in the near future.

2. Everyone needs to get emblems on riot shields or you're out of the clan.

PS mars please back me up on this

3. Holy moly, select fire FAL is awesome.

4. Black hats are also awesome.

Anything you guys have noticed is awesome? Post in the comments!


  1. Your enthusiasm is awesome. Eggs Benedict is awesome. What's not awesome is that my game is delayed and still has not arrived. Least. Awesome. Ever.

  2. what's not awesome is that ELITE is failing to provide any launch Black Ops 2 operations.

    not really a surprise but some clan challenges or anything would be nice.
