Sunday, June 10, 2012

Love and Tolerance

We've had some conduct issues recently. It really pains me that this needs to be said, but it's time to reiterate: there are some basic standards of human decency that we expect clan members to meet. Things that fall short of these standards include, but are not limited to:
  • Constantly screaming about how people who are doing things that annoy you are fags, kikes, niggers, spics, chinks, immigrants, etc. This is sadly a pretty big problem in the clan right now.
  • Getting so angry at fellow clan mates that you are calling them idiots, telling them to shut the fuck up, etc. We want to maintain a friendly and collegial atmosphere.
  • Talking about how much you would like to have sex with ponies, or read clopfics, or whatever. We don't care what you do in the privacy of your own home, but this is not an appropriate topic to inflict on everypony else.
Again, I can't believe that  we have to put this on the front page of the blog. This is a really low bar. But there are currently some clan members who consistently do not meet it, and it is important for everyone to know that this is not behavior that we condone, and if it continues we will not continue to associate with you.

In happier news, another gold for the clan in tonight's op! We're getting close to 40! Check it out after the jump.

Also, stay tuned for more op planning...


  1. Yea, great job Snipez! You really rocked that shit playing solo. One more level and we get our PONY BANNER!!

    The general code of conduct guidelines seem really reasonable to me. We're named after a kids' cartoon, let's not make Fluttershy cry with racism and raging.

  2. I thought I missed the clan op... Well, I'm surprised to see myself in 3rd place.
