Sunday, May 20, 2012




The posts leading up to the win have disappeared down the memory hole. They're still there, but they're hidden from other clans who want to learn our secrets.

I'd also like to throw a big shoutout to all the support ponies! There is  no way we could have come close to this without your help.

Also, BEST TURNOUT EVER. We had more than half the clan show up at the same time, plus several people who want to join! Amazing!

VikingRunesmith suggested team photos!
Team 5, the Flutterflayers!
Team 2, Pinkie's Axe Murderers!
Team 6, Rarity's Fancy Lads!

Way to go, everyone!

um, john, next time can we name the teams something a little less... cupcakes?


  1. The sum, as usual, is delayed--it's actually 4,567. You guys rock!

  2. My Little Pony is best clan! The world shall bow in fear before the Bronys!

  3. HOLY SHIT!!!! I KNEW WE COULD DO THIS. WE ARE AN AMAZING DAMN CLAN! though i cant thank myself. Major shoutouts and thanks to our leaders like JiaJohn and MarsBringer for coming up with strategies,my wonderful team Team 4 - Twilight Sparkle Will Eat Your Face in the Name of Friendship, composing of Flutterguy, CMCxSoarin,My Little Derpy, and special guests who are actually not brony's but were willing to help us out- my friends i know in real life- CrypticKILLA01 and DoULBeKiLL2. Couldn't have even fathomed the amount of kills i got without u guys. THANK YOU everyone. Now thats what i call the power of friendship.


    Check out that sequence of digits.

  5. Haha, go check the comments! We are already being called out as boosters. One person claimed any score over 2k was only achieved through boosting! A lot of people are specifically claiming Raiden Gekkou booster even though he was a support player. Haha, gotta love it when people lose to ponies!

  6. Ok, here's some more perspective. See this clan?

    They have 11 Champion badges, including 4 out of 6 of the previous Core KC ClOps. Before today, it would have been fair to call them one of the best clans period at ClOps, and certainly the best clan at this gametype.

    They apparently got 3,262 confirms today. What does that mean for us?

    It means that the power of our friendship has not only made us best ponies, it has made us *40% better than the reigning champions*. Major congrats to everyone who participated.

  7. Punsy... what you did there... I see it =P

  8. I'd give you all free outfits my little darlings IF I wasn't still jumping up and down like I have been for over half an hour at the moment :3

  9. Uhoh....Jiajohn just posted the web address to this site on the comments section of the op....

    1. I'm kinda hoping it'll get buried under all the hilarious accusations of boosting.

    2. It is okay, he removed the post explaining how we were going to take the Champion Badge so if they come here it will be just fine.

  10. Aw, the one describing how friendship, magic and a magical unicorn horn are the key to success?

  11. We probably shouldn't mention here about the chanting and praying to Celestia, and all the snakes we sacrificed beforehand to get our scores so high. Also shouldn't mention the no-scope ladder stall 720 claymore drop shot feed trick that gets you 80 bajillion confirms by dashboarding out of every match when it starts.

    1. Dagnabbit, Mars. Dagnabbit. Next you'll tell them about how the spider eating.

    2. Mars I didn't understand half those words...but I'll follow you anywhere!

  12. Hey, you know what this calls for? A PARTY!

  13. Another successful clan op. More so than others in fact. I think I'll treat myself to some Hurricane Fluttershy for the win. Also this:

  14. I will have to get my team back together in the future for a team photo also!

  15. Dear Princess Celestia, today I learned what friendship and teamwork is truely all about. Although there were some struggles throughout the clan ops, we persevered and come out on top. When I first joined this clan everybody was a stranger. Today they are not just my clan mates but my friends. I'm incredible pround of each and every single one of them.

    1. Aw, best letter to Celestia ever! Also, the results are confirmed. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! /)


  17. I think most of the hates are mainly upset that they lost to a clan that loves and adores candy colored equines.

    1. I dunno, it seems to me like they're upset that they lost to 40 guys they could probably take on 5:1 and still beat. Basically, we won not because we're better quickscopers, or whatever, but because we're smarter than they are, and that really, really burns them.

      Of course, now that they've figured it out, I guess the question is whether we can field more and better teams than they can. By the way, guys, how does it feel to flip the metagame on its head?

      (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


      This feel..its..its..pulchritudinous! That's right, this feel has become a physical thing, and it is beautiful. goodnight err'pony!

    3. Pretty good actually. I've played a lot of online games and never have I shaped the metagame. It is a pretty cool feeling that we did this.

  18. Amidst the sea of incredulous haters on CoD Elite, there are nonetheless a few shining examples of good sportsmanship and friendly rivalry. I'd like to give a shoutout to the Lethal x Gaming clan; they also handily smashed the previous KC record with over 4000, coming in second place, but more importantly, they've been gracious and congratulatory about us coming in first.

    1. Especially since they have to have done a lot of work to come that far. They seem like good guys, and I feel kinda bad that our great idea ended up happening on what could have been a winning night for them. :\

  19. Yeah, I feel kinda sorry that we stole Lethal x Gaming's thunder, especially since they've been so nice about it... Well, I'm sure the next 20 or so champion badges will soothe the pain, 'cuz we probably aren't going to do this again. The metagame is going to shoot right past us after this, but at least we know that we were the first and the smartest about it. We busted the boasters and came out victorious.
    I'm perfectly content with only ever having one champion badge, because that's infinitely times as many as pretty much every other clan ever. It puts us in some pretty ELITE company (pun intended).
    I'm super glad we came together and did this. It was an awesome time! Nopony can ever take this delicious victory away from us! And it is very delicious. (Tears taste so sweet. Especially tears of rage. Bwahahahahaha!)

  20. I personally find those who say things like "yous guys need play us 6v6 and we find who real clan is!" rather amusing.

    I have to disagree a little with Whar though, I think we could take them 5 on 1. :)

    But true, 6v6 they might take us. Thing is, we won through Friendship, Love, Teamwork, and SMARTS!

    Twilight would be so proud!

    My Little Pony Clan is truly Best Pony!

  21. In related news, the comment spam is getting pretty atrocious. Do you guys think I should limit the comments section to our clanmates so that we can sit around and high five each other for a while without assholes jumping in and claiming more bullshit about us cheating?

    The application system is still up and running, so we can get potential new recruits still. I'm not really sure what point there is to leaving the comments open anymore. What does everypony think?

    1. I could go either way on the comment spam; as you've said, tears are the best spice.

      Re: doing it again, I know John has been killing himself to organize this (PS, everyone, he gets up at 5 AM, goes to work for 12 hours, and then comes home to try to corral you all - he is working HARD), but I can think of a few ways to streamline the process. Want to try again for the next KC where we get a week's notice, or so? CoDz Sqad may be shitting their pants in terror because they know they can't field 30+ guys and can't compete in this brave new world.

      Then again, maybe they can, and we've just delivered an era of 5000+ scores. Either way, the future looks pretty exciting, don't you think?

    2. Bless John's soul. He is truely a good pony. This sounds interesting Wharrrrrrgarbl, very interesting...

    3. I think it would be good to close the Clan board for now at least.

      For the sweet, sweet tears, we can always look at the Operation page. :-D

      As for Jia, maybe we could try to use the blog to get everyone on board for ClOps. See if we could just have reminders posted in the Clan comments when a new post is made to the blog.

      Try to get Jia to maybe gets some rest. ;-)

      Jia is best TRY HARD Pony!

    4. Ugh, it's a little bit too much to contemplate at the moment. I'm fairly beat, and even if I wasn't I probably would want to sleep on it. We've definitely made a big impression that will surely lead to some serious changes in any case.
      I'm sure there's a way to make this easier on everypony. We should discuss it sometime when we're all less sleepy.

      I want to say, that this beautiful victory was the brainchild and masterpiece of JiaJohn, and his tireless efforts made this possible and even, against all odds, enjoyable. Thank you on behalf of everyone in the clan, dude. This win is as much yours as it is the clan's.

    5. The only issue there is making sure people read the blog, but I think everyone will be a lot more motivated after this win!

    6. Well, also making sure people follow through on the time commitment (not insubstantial) and don't let dumb "real life" get in the way of all-important CoD playing for bytes of data that look like a pretty badge.

      We've basically turned this into "Who has the most active members?" I'm not so positive the answer is us.

      I'm sure we'll try this again. I'm just a little burned out right at this very moment. The next clan KC op with notice sounds like a good idea. After what we did tonight, it's certainly not going to get any easier to win! Woooooooooo! Go us!

  22. I take off my wizard hat and robe. I am no longer Star Swirl the Bearded. Also I initially had more benign names, but the herd demanded something more . . . intense.

    Gratz to everyone. We have become the architects of a new way of playing, and of the sorrow of the poor sports out there.

  23. Amazing, completely jaw dropping. I knew we had it, but damn. I wish I was there. Awesome job every pony
