Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Headhunter 5-11-2012

So, Elite updated, and...


Holy shit, guys. Top ten. Details after the jump.

So, not sure what else to say. Good job, everybody. I guess we got our cutie marks.


  1. :D Top ten indeed. Hot damn we rocked that!

  2. Holy crap-balls...go Ponies!! Special shout-out to my fellow non-premiums who sacrificed points to get all the premiums up to such great heights. I know my room really helped John rack up the confirms!!

  3. Also, the sticky fingers just posted as well

  4. That is quite excellent. you guys are beautiful.

  5. I think I'm going to let this sit at the top of the page for a little while before I get the other two ops up.

    1. Don't even put up the other two as separate posts. Just add them on to this.

    2. Sounds like a plan; we did okay on the other two, but not top ten.

  6. http://scranton.mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/img/mlfw484_1302296223924.jpg

  7. Wow! We had awesome participation for the HC KC op. TWENTY-ONE ponies! The more ponies that get together, the more powerful their friendship!

    Congrats to everypony! And thanks to the non-premium ponies, especially! You guys really came through for us!

  8. http://iambrony.jsmart.web.id/mlp/gif/133349985249.gif

  9. My lobby got some serious help from our non-premium members. This was an amazing team effort, and I'm really grateful for the hard work everypony put in. You guys rock. Woohoo. I'm glad it's official that our clan is SO AWESOME!
    I think we can safely say that we are the Iron Ponies!

  10. what a spectacular feat guys. if we definitely plan out like this time we could achieve a champion badge. i wish i was in a party when this happened, but they were all full. Lone wolfing this shit is hard lol

    1. Getting a champion badge might not be so far-fetched on kill confirmed. Snipes, Fluttershy II and I were in the same party and together we got 1132 confirms. If we cut it down to 2 tag collectors per party instead of 3, this could mean 560+ tags per collector, or about 3360 tags total. Looking at past events, the winner usually has about 3,400 total confirms. We could maximize our tagsnatchability via lots of little ways, but that'd be a topic for a full post. Lemme know what you guys think;the biggest problem is we'd have to plan ahead and have 18 people set to go with 2 designated collectors per team.

  11. I think this proves a champion badge is doable for us. We've clearly got the skills, we just need a little more min/maxing going on.
    Worth noting, is that 21 awesome ponies contributed to this win. We came ridiculously close, and now I really, REALLY want to show everyone how magic our friendship is. I think we should go for it next time we have a KC op (Sunday).
    If an ideal setup involves 3 x 6 person lobbies, we could totally do it.
    I'm going to try and get together with my RL buddies and see what we can come up with in terms of improvements (there isn't all that much, we kicked ass).
    Expect to see a theorycraft update tonight probably. I want input on how we can go out there and pull down a red badge for the clan!
    Also, I can't believe it's taken me this long to say this about the subject:

